Amish Mud Sales - Spring Has Sprung!

The outside world's view of the Amish is one of separation from the modern ways and "The English".
In a wonderful tradition that started in the 1960's the Amish and The English come together  with a series of mostly spring time auction sales that support local volunteer firehouses that benefit both communities.
Where did the name "Mud Sale" come from?  For anyone who has lived in the northeast there's a hopeful sign of earth's warming when the snow cover melts under the sun's rays.
There's a several week period where there seems to be nothing but mud everywhere.
This isn't just a slogan. If you want to participate in these local Lancaster PA area sales held on farms and empty lots  you better bring your boots.
Throw in several thousand people in attendance throughout the day and you can imagine one giant muddy mess that people of all walks of life are drawn to.
So what is exactly available at a Mud Sale that helps create such a draw?
Featured on the auction block are these unique Amish offerings...
  • ·         furniture
  • ·         handmade Amish quilts
  • ·         crafts
  • ·         livestock
  • ·         buggies
  • ·         antiques
  • ·         farming supplies
  • ·         house wares

What else attracts such popular attendance?
Amish traditional foods of course!  Imagine a cold Spring morning under the Spring Mud Sale auction tent warming yourself with:
  • ·         a hot cup of PA Dutch chicken corn soup
  • ·         whoopee pies
  • ·         funnel cake
  • ·         sticky buns

If you live outside of the Lancaster area it's hard to understand how profound and special this Amish hosted event is for the local communities to invite the outside world to participate together.
As part of the Anabaptist religious community they have a core value to practice humility. 
Linked to that belief system is to avoid the morally polluting effect they see the outside culture effecting them.  In fact , the same Bible Christians read is held in more strict application by the Amish beginning with what they see as a command.
"Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord." (2 Corinthians 6:17, KJV)
That's one of the reasons to see the Amish and English communities mixing together during these annual Spring Mud Sales benefiting everyone is more than a heartwarming Spring rite of passage.
 We recognize the Amish way of life as we introduce our first Lancaster video.

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